I followed the netdeck trend, and inserted Bitterblossoms onto the BG Elves deck. I further tuned the MD and moved the Thoughtseizes onto the SB as the meta in my local shop is more aggro than control.

// Lands
4 [LRW] Gilt-Leaf Palace
4 [10E] Llanowar Wastes
2 [EVE] Twilight Mire
4 [MOR] Mutavault
4 [10E] Treetop Village
3 [UNH] Forest
3 [UNH] Swamp
// Creatures
4 [10E] Llanowar Elves
4 [LRW] Wren's Run Vanquisher
4 [10E] Troll Ascetic
2 [10E] Civic Wayfinder
4 [MOR] Chameleon Colossus
3 [LRW] Cloudthresher
3 [LRW] Garruk Wildspeaker
// Spells
3 [MOR] Bitterblossom
3 [LRW] Profane Command
3 [LRW] Nameless Inversion
2 [LRW] Eyeblight's Ending
1 [10E] Loxodon Warhammer
// Sideboard
SB: 4 [LRW] Thoughtseize
SB: 3 [ALA] Infest
SB: 4 [SHM] Kitchen Finks
SB: 1 [LRW] Cloudthresher
SB: 1 [MOR] Mind Shatter
SB: 2 [10E] Mind Rot
Round 1: vs. WW Kithkins (lost)

The FNM crowd was larger than usual -- 28 players -- and there were a couple of good players in the room. As is my usual "practice", I once again got paired with one of the better players in the first round. He was playing Kithkins, so I once again wished that I had that 4th Infest in my SB (I really need to get that one ASAP).
Anyway, back to the match, things didn't start well, as I mull'd to 5. To add insult to injury, my opponent had a pretty good draw (which is pretty common for Kithkins, due to its amazing consistency), and I lost via a Mirrorweave to a Wizened Cenn.
SB: +3 Infest, -1 Thresher, -2 Colossus
In game 2, things started out better. I kept my initial 7 for one, and I had him down to 6 life later in the game, with me still at perfect life. He unfortunately stabilized and I had to attack every turn just to keep him at that level (he was gaining life thanks to a Glorious Anthem and a Knight of Meadowgrain). I had an Infest and a Profane in hand, which could both win me the game, but couldn't draw that second black mana source. I eventually lost via consecutive Cloudgoat Rangers which overwhelmed the board.
Game standing: 0-2
Match standing: 0-1
Round 2: vs. Naya Planeswalkers (won)

My opponent started things off with a Jungle Shrine... and nothing else. I went blazing on the game, with a Warhammer'd Ascetic, and won the game at 32 life, and my opponent having played just a single Garruk all game.
SB: +4 Thoughtseize, -1 Warhammer, -2 Threshers, -1 Nameless
In the second game, I demolished my opponent again with Beast tokens from Garruk, and a Profane Command to finish him off. I was still at perfect life at that point.
Game standing: 2-2
Match standing: 1-1
Round 3: vs. Mono Red Aggro Budget (won)

This was a fun game. It kinda reminded me of playing with Tyrone at UP from 10 years ago, as my opponent was consistently playing turn 1 Raging Goblin, then turn 2 Fists of the Anvil (Blood Lust anyone?) -- on all three games! LOL. I believe he had no creatures with 4cc or more, as it seems he was sending off a bunch of weenies all the time -- Heartlash Cinder, Boggart Ram-Gang, etc. His burn was being wasted on my creatures though, so he was always having a hard time finishing me off. I won in 3 fun games.
Game standing: 4-3
Match standing: 2-1
Round 4: vs. UB Mannequin (won)

Once again, I was in a do-or-die scenario. Win, and I get a pack. Lose, and I go home empty-handed. Things didn't start well, as my opponent beat me with Oona, Queen of the Fae.
SB: +4 Thoughtseize, -1 Warhammer, -2 Threshers, -1 Nameless
In game 2, the Blossoms finally went online. I never drew them on any other game -- and in this one, I finally got a taste of why Faeries win with them. You just don't have to do anything else, just sit back, control the board, and watch the tokens attack.
In game 3, I drew a Garruk godhand. Overrun ftw!
Game standing: 6-4
Match standing: 3-1
After the match, I was watching my first round opponent in a battle of undefeateds at table 2. I wanted him to win (to improve my tiebreaks), but he unfortunately lost, so I settled for 7th place. I won a Shadowmoor pack, with this birdie at the rare slot: