I used the same Blightning deck that won the FNM last week -- completing the Ram-Gangs to 4, reducing the Remains to 3 -- hoping for the best that I, at least, get to win some more packs this week.
Round 1: Jund Land D (won)

Things went off to an awesome start, as I got a dream matchup against a land destruction deck. My deck had a sickly low curve, so this type of strategy would not work at all against me. I easily beat my opponent in 2 short games unscathed.
Game standing: 2-0
Match standing: 1-0
Round 2: RW Reveillark (lost)

In round 2, I had a taste of the new tech in RW Reveillark decks -- Balefire Liege. I lost in 2 epic games -- both times putting my opponent down to a really low life, and in both times, a Liege (or 2) saved him from sure death. I have to think of a way to play around this card, if I am to place even decently in the upcoming City Champs.
Game standing: 2-2
Match standing: 1-1
Round 3: Jund Tokens/Ramp (lost)

In round 3, my bad luck started kicking in, as I mulliganed on both games on my way to losing against a Jund deck. In the first game, I was just too slow off the gates, and a Broodmate Dragon sealed my fate. In the second game, I actually did a little better, but a crucial Primal Command saved my opponents ass. He eventually beat me in a single swoop, while I was still at 14 life, via a Torrent of Souls.
Game standing: 2-4
Match standing: 1-2
Round 4: 5-Color Control (won)

In game 1 of round 4, my opponent had no chance against my barrage of quick hasty creatures. In game 2, my bad luck once again did me in, as I mulliganed to 5, kept a slow hand, and eventually lost the game. In game 3, I was on my way to ending the night at 1-3, when I mulliganed to 4 -- yes, four. It was either no lands, or all lands for 3 straight shuffles. But in one of the strangest games I've played ever, I actually still won the game. Lands appeared just in the right draws, and I drew just the right type of threats against my opponent. It also helped that my opponent drew not a single Cryptic Command all game. :)
Final game standing: 4-5
Final match standing: 2-2
Of course, such a standing wouldn't win anything, but in our local shop, where random prizes are given away like candy, I still didn't go home empty-handed -- winning an FNM foil Desert as a random prize. :)

Happy holy week. ;-)