First off, here's the deck that I took to the FNM. It's basically a post-M10 build of the Blightning deck that I've been using before the 3-month layoff.

// Lands
2 [M10] Dragonskull Summit
4 [SHM] Graven Cairns
4 [ALA] Savage Lands
2 [SHM] Reflecting Pool
11 [UNH] Mountain
1 [UNH] Swamp
// Creatures
4 [EVE] Figure of Destiny
4 [CFX] Hellspark Elemental
4 [M10] Ball Lightning
4 [SHM] Boggart Ram-Gang
4 [SHM] Demigod of Revenge
// Spells
4 [M10] Lightning Bolt
4 [SHM] Flame Javelin
4 [CFX] Volcanic Fallout
4 [ALA] Blightning
// Sideboard
SB: 3 [SHM] Firespout
SB: 4 [LRW] Shriekmaw
SB: 2 [M10] Deathmark
SB: 3 [ARB] Anathemancer
SB: 3 [MOR] Bitterblossom
Round 1: vs. Naya (lost)

The first thing I found out about my opponent is that he was a newbie -- as evidenced by the new DCI card that our TO handed to him as we were shuffling our decks. I thought to myself, this is good -- I'm being eased off nicely back to MTG tourneys with an easy round. :) That was until I mulliganed twice to start things off in the night. I even pondered on mulling for a third time as my 5-card hand (on the play) had only one land, a Lightning Bolt, and three 3cc cards. I decided to keep, and quickly got punished by a pair of Cerodon Yearlings. Eventually, I was able to clear the board, with both of us going into topdeck mode but I drew all lands, and I was beaten by a THIRD Cerodon Yearling.
The second game eased off my doubts on whether I chose a decent deck, when I easily finished my opponent off at perfect life.
In the deciding game, my opponent shifted from putting a bunch of hasted, vigilanced 2/2 beasts, to plain vanilla 5/4 beasts, in the form of Woolly Thoctars. I didn't have enough removal to kill all of them, and I got outraced to a first round defeat.
Game standing: 1-2
Match standing: 0-1
Round 2: vs. Wg Exalted (lost)

On the second round, I got paired against a player that I was watching before the FNM started. I knew he was playing a white weenie deck, but except for kithkins, he used a bunch of exalted guys. In the first game, I had no answer to a Behemoth Sledge strapped on to a Sigiled Paladin. In the second game, much like the first round, I also got back at my opponent with a quick and easy victory. In the third game, despite having 7 sweepers in my deck (4 Fallouts & 3 Firespouts), I drew just 1 Firespout all game, and lost to an army of spirit tokens and Akrasan Squires.
Game standing: 2-4
Match standing: 0-2
At this point, I was totally down on myself, having lost 2 rounds to players I could have easily beaten 3 months ago. I decided to continue playing anyway, as it was still early and I didn't want to go home without at least a single win under my belt.
Round 3: vs. Jund (won)

There you are, Ball Lightning! I drew and played a pair of early 6/1 tramplers on my way to an easy game 1 win. By the time we were done, all my opponent could cast was one Putrid Leech. :) In the second game, my opponent beat me with Bloodbraid Elves and Scarland Thrinaxes (and saprolings). In the third game, I finally got to see my Figure of Destinies (first time all night!) on the way to an easy victory -- and my first one in more than three months. :)
Game standing: 4-5
Match standing: 1-2
Round 4: vs. Naya-Uril (won)

In the fourth and final round, I got the surprise of my night, when on my way to my supposed easy victory in the first game, I got smacked down by a Uril, the Miststalker, with a Runes of the Deus attached to it, and a Qasali Pridemage in play. Do the math -- that's 20 damage in one turn. Right. My opponent got so happy in that first game though, that he forgot to show up in the final 2 games, and I easily beat him with Demigods and burn. Good thing Uril never showed up again.
Final game standing: 6-6
Final match standing: 2-2
As usual, the losers of the tourney rolled the dice for random free foil cards. Luckily, I was one of two lucky winners, and despite the abysmal record, managed to take home a DCI foil Slave of Bolas.