I open a sealed pool that contained Thought Hemorrhage, Spellbreaker Behemoth, and Rafiq of the Many. I contemplated dropping since we were going to pass the registered pool, but eventually decided to play anyway, as I crossed my fingers to get passed at least a decently playable pool of cards.
I was wrong.
My card pool was weak in all 5 shards, and had very little mana fixing to splash any of my "bombs" on other shards. I ended up playing an RG-heavy Naya deck:

// Lands
7 [ALA] Mountain
7 [ALA] Forest
3 [ALA] Plains
// Creatures
1 [ALA] Elvish Visionary
1 [ALA] Knight of the Skyward Eye
1 [ALA] Sigiled Paladin
1 [ALA] Vithian Stinger
1 [ALA] Exuberant Firestoker
1 [ALA] Hissing Iguanar
1 [ARB] Godtracker of Jund
1 [ALA] Mayael the Anima
1 [ALA] Godtoucher
5cc or more:
1 [ALA] Mycoloth
2 [ARB] Gorger Wurm
1 [ARB] Pale Recluse
1 [ARB] Valley Rannet
1 [ARB] Dragon Broodmother
// Spells
1 [ARB] Intimidation Bolt
1 [ALA] Soul's Fire
1 [ALA] Magma Spray
1 [ARB] Sangrite Backlash
1 [ARB] Colossal Might
1 [ALA] Dragon Fodder
1 [ARB] Trace of Abundance
1 [ARB] Behemoth Sledge
Simply put, I won in all games when I drew either the Mycoloth and/or the Dragon Broodmother. In all other games, I lost.
I made a couple of misplays, most notably:
1. Forgetting the upkeep trigger of the Exuberant Firestoker
2. Playing Intimidation Bolt on my opponent's defender, before declaring attackers
3. Playing Sangrite Backlash at EOT of my opponent (I thought it was an Agony Warp, LOL)
In the end, I finished with a 3-1 record (which was decent, considering my god awful card pool) -- the 3rd "win" was against Joven, whom I got paired with on the final round.
None of us got a t-shirt this time around, but it was still worth the (1 week) wait. Too bad though that we didn't get any "money cards" this time around. Hopefully we get a little bit luckier on our booster box and fatpacks. ;-)