I planned to join the City Champs on that weekend, so I used the FNM to try to "playtest" the Blightning deck.
Round 1: vs. Esper Mannequin (won)

Things didn't start off well, as I mulliganed to 5. But I still kept enough pressure to put my opponent down to 2. However, a Mannequin'd Inkwell Leviathan sealed the deal, and I couldn't do anything against the shrouded trampling monstrosity. In game 2, I took the gamble and kept a 1-land hand of FOD, Hellspark & Ram-Gang. It paid off and I drew 2 lands in the next 2 turns, to easily beat my opponent. In game 3, I once again applied early beats and my opponent tried to delay the game with a Magister Sphinx, but he had no answers to my hasty army.
Game standing: 2-1
Match standing: 1-0
Round 2: vs. Bant Control (won)

Game 1 was pretty easy as I finished the game unscathed. In game 2, my opponent dropped 3 Stoic Angels throughout the course of the game, and I ran out of answers for that. In game 3, a crucial Everlasting Torment sealed the deal for my opponent, as he couldn't gain life off his Rhox War Monks.
Game standing: 4-2
Match standing: 2-0
Round 3: Naya Planeswalkers (lost)

What can you do when you're facing your opponent along side Ajani Vengeant, Garruk, Sarkhan Vol & Chandra? Scoop. In game 2, it was me who got burned, as my opponent accumulated a huge Banefire directed straight at my dome.
Game standing: 4-4
Match standing: 2-1
Round 4: RW Kithkin (won)

This was an easy matchup. I practically threw all my burn at my opponent in both games, on my way to a 3-1 finish.
Final game standing: 6-4
Final match standing: 3-1
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