Here's the deck that got ran over today:

// Lands
4 [10E] Sulfurous Springs
4 [LRW] Auntie's Hovel
2 [FUT] Graven Cairns
4 [UNH] Mountain
4 [UNH] Swamp
1 [TSP] Kher Keep
1 [FUT] Keldon Megaliths
1 [TSB] Pendelhaven
1 [MOR] Mutavault
// Creatures
4 [10E] Mogg Fanatic
4 [TSP] Mogg War Marshal
4 [LRW] Knucklebone Witch
4 [MOR] Taurean Mauler
2 [MOR] Earwig Squad
2 [LRW] Boggart Mob
2 [10E] Siege-Gang Commander
2 [TSP] Greater Gargadon
// Spells
4 [10E] Incinerate
4 [MOR] Shard Volley
2 [LRW] Eyeblight's Ending
2 [LRW] Fodder Launch
2 [LRW] Boggart Birth Rite
// Sideboard
SB: 4 [PLC] Extirpate
SB: 3 [10E] Deathmark
SB: 4 [10E] Cryoclasm
SB: 2 [LRW] Profane Command
SB: 2 [TSP] Word of Seizing
Round 1: vs. UB Faeries

My day didn't start so well with my first creature, Mogg War Marshall, getting Rune Snagged. After that, it was just me trying to fend off my opponent's 1/1 flyers with removal, and even though I eventually got to cast a Boggart Mob, his Bitterblossom just made a blocker every turn. I lost when, after Incinerating a pre-damage stack Scion of Oona, he cast another one of those faerie lords, and I got ran over by slightly larger faeries. Game 2 was much better, with me racing to a blazing start with Fanatic, War Marshall and Maulers. He quickly conceded after getting stuck at 3 lands and 6 life. Game 3 however, was much like the first one, because he once again succesfully cast 2 Scions of Oona -- and I didn't have any removal for the first one this time -- giving all his faeries shroud, and me my first loss of the day. Match score: 1-2; Standing after 1 round: 0-1
Round 2: vs. Mono-white Kithkins

I felt good when I got matched up with the deck that I had the most practice with, and the deck I'm most familiar to play against. Unfortunately, my opponent was extremely lucky, with a turn 1 Stalwart, turn 2 Banneret, and turn 3 Stalwart, Banneret, Mirror Entity. There's not much I can do to a bunch of 4/4 Kithkins but block. Eventually, I ran out of blockers and lost. Game 2 was a bit better, because I got to Deathmark his Mirror Entity. However, I had no answer to a second Mirror Entity, and he was just Sunlancing my Taurean Maulers. I once again bowed to a bunch of, this time, 5/5 Kithkins, even though I got to delay it a bit by bluffing to hold removal (he was afraid that I'd chump block and Incinerate his ME). The inevitable happened, with me drawing land after land, and I once again lost the match. Match score: 0-2; Standing after 2 rounds: 0-2
Round 3: vs. Mono-green Aggro

This was really quick. Game 1 -- Warhammered Ascetic? Nuff said. Game 2 -- turn 4 Spectral Force, turn 5 another Spectral Force, and Scryb Ranger. GG. Match score: 0-2; Standing after 3 rounds: 0-3.
Maybe I should just play Pokemon. :(
After that last bit of bad luck, I just dropped from the tourney, texted Beej, and we proceeded to watch Dan In Real Life. Good thing the movie was nice.
1 comment:
yes, the movie was nice. :)
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