// Lands
22 [SHM] Forest - 0 tix
// Creatures
4 [10E] Llanowar Elves - 0.6 tix
4 [LRW] Wren's Run Vanquisher - 0.5 tix
4 [SHM] Safehold Elite - 0.32 tix
4 [LRW] Imperious Perfect - 1 tix
3 [SHM] Heartmender - 3 tix
4 [SHM] Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers - 1 tix
4 [SHM] Kitchen Finks - 2 tix
4 [SHM] Wilt-Leaf Liege - 12 tix
// Spells
4 [SHM] Shield of the Oversoul - 0.6 tix
3 [10E] Overrun - 1.5 tix
TOTAL - 22.52 tix, or ~1,100 PhP
It's really amazing how large the disparity is between MTGO and paper Magic. If I built this deck from scratch in real life, just the 4 Lieges would cost 1,400 PhP -- more expensive than the WHOLE DECK in MTGO.
However, just like I mentioned earlier, it took me the whole night to build this deck. I had to scour the various bots and other users in the Trading section to get the best deals. Note that the Vanquishers actually cost more than the Llanowar Elves. LOL. I just couldn't find a cheaper price for black-bordered mana elves.
Anyway, I think this is enough as a starting deck for me in MTGO. It's definitely not Tier 1, but it can hold its own against Tier 2 decks. It's a LOT of fun to play, it's a really good starting point in learning how to use MTGO in general, and it will help me a lot in making an informed decision on whether to pursue MTGO for real or not.
Now I just need to hide my credit card, so I won't be able to use it for the next 6 months. LOL.
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