Good thing I anticipated the possibility of this happening, so I brought with me the parts of my BG Elves deck. I built the deck on the venue (basically the same deck that I used last time), just in time for the start of the tourney. Here's what happened:
0-3 drop.
Well, technically, it was 1-3 drop, because I got a bye on the fourth round.

On the first round, I lost to a mono-black control deck. 2 Bitterblossoms + Korlash + Corrupt = game loss.

On the second round, I lost on a mirror match. It was actually close on both games (I lost 0-2), up until I made another huge, stupid, crucial, "makes you want to punch yourself" misplay by blocking 2 attacking Mutavaults, with my own 2 Mutavaults. The only thing was, my opponent had an Imperious Perfect in play. Duh.

On the third round, I lost to a UB faeries deck, 1-2. He demolished me in the first game with 3 consecutive Mistbind Cliques. I outplayed him in the second game (the only good game I had all day). And I had really bad luck in the third game (when I counted the cards after the match, I apparently drew 15 out of my 23 lands in the game... and the game didn't last long).
Another tournament, another "oh well".
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