Round 1: Mono U Merfolk (lost)

The first game starts with my opponent having a Cursecatcher and a Lord of Atlantis in play, while I have just a Swamp and a Mutavault (I cast a Thoughtseize earlier). He attacks with the Cursecatcher... I think for a second, and block with the Mutavault. The Cursecatcher dies, the Mutavault lives on, and I secretly laugh, thinking that this would be an easy round. But then, later on, his Merfolk engine turns up a notch and I come across a hoard of 8/8 Wake Thrashers. He casts Cryptic Command, and makes a single alpha strike ftw.
For the second game, it wasn't even close. My opponent gets a god draw (and he himself admits that this was his first time to ever see such a hand). He casts 2nd turn Banneret, then 3rd turn Reejerey, then another Reejerey, then 4th turn, 3 Lords of Atlantis -- for free. And he still has a Cryptic Command in hand.
Game standing: 0-2
Match standing: 0-1
Round 2: 5-Color Elementals (lost)

First game, I mulligan to 5, with 1 land. Nuff said. On the second game, we fight a close match, but I lost to a Horde of Notions, because he was able to Crib Swap away my entire army.
Game standing: 0-2
Match standing: 0-2 drop.
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