Round 1: vs. Kithkins (won)

Things didn't start off well, when I mulliganed to 5, and quickly lost game 1. In game 2, my opponent couldn't do anything but chump-block against both Doran & Colossus on the board, and lost. In game 3, it was his turn to get unlucky as he was mana screwed, and he lost the decider.
Game standing: 2-1
Match standing: 1-0
Round 2: vs. Mario Pascoli's 5-color Wizard deck (won)

In game 1, the Harbinger-Harbinger-Doran pro move did my opponent in, and I quickly won while still at perfect life.
SB: +1 Cloudthresher, +4 Thoughtseize, +1 Wickerbough Elder, -4 Scarblade Elite, -2 Firespout
In game 2, I attempted another pro move, but my Doran met a Crib Swap on the attack. Good thing I topdecked another Doran on the next turn, and I eventually won as my opponent had no choice but to once again chump-block.
Game standing: 4-1
Match standing: 2-0
Round 3: vs. UG Merfolk (won)

I got a bit lucky as my opponent rarely drew into his Colossi, and I had too much removal against the rest of his creatures. I easily won both games against the fish deck. In game 2 specifically, he delayed the game a bit with 3 consecutive Cryptic Commands, but eventually ran out of defensive spells.
Game standing: 6-1
Match standing: 3-0
Round 4: vs. Kithkins (won)

My opponent arrived quite late for our 4th round match up (definitely worth a game 1 loss). However, knowing that he was a nice guy, I knew he had a valid reason, so I let him proceed to play in our first game. He mulliganed to 5 on that game, but had a decent hand so it wasn't so one-sided. He still eventually lost though to a Profane. In game 2, it was my turn to be unlucky as I was mana screwed and had no white mana to cast Doran with. In game 3, I had superior board position with a Scarblade Elite, Doran and Colossus up against his small Kithkin army. When I attacked with Doran & Colossus, my opponent blocked both and Mirrorweaved my Scarblade Elite. I had ran out of assassin cards in my graveyard at that point, but good thing I had kept 2 open mana and a Nameless Inversion to kill his 'weave target. He eventually lost that game, of course.
Game standing: 8-2
Match standing: 4-0
I think this would be the first time that I was ever at 4-0. I was feeling very good at my chances at winning a prize today. :)
Round 5: vs. Quick N' Toast (lost)

And then came my round 5 opponent. I knew my opponent, and also knew that I had never won against him before (I have faced him, I think, twice before). In game 1, I quickly set him down to 2 life, but in true QNT fashion, he went up back to 10 life thanks to Kitchen Finks and Mannequin shenanigans. I was eventually able to put him back to 3 life (I was at 12 life and tapped out at that point), when I was surprised at his EOT Mannequin of a Cloudthresher. And with a Shriekmaw also on the board on his side, he had lethal for me in a single attack.
SB: +3 Faerie Macabre, +4 Thoughtseize, +1 Wickerbough Elder, -4 Scarblade Elite, -3 Firespout, -1 Doran
In game 2, my opponent made a crucial mistake -- despite having me Thoughtseized, and him knowing that I had Profane in hand, he tapped out to cast a Shriekmaw. He was perhaps confident as he also had a couple of Kitchen Finks on board to defend as well. However, I had enough mana to Profane for 3, killing his Shriekmaw and giving my Doran and 2 Harbingers fear ftw (he was at 11 life).
In game 3, I was too slow in putting my opponent's life down and saw a huge problem when he put down Oona Queen of the Fae on the board. I had no choice but to cast my Faerie Macabre after that, to block -- and I was actually able to kill Oona by blocking and a Nameless Inversion. However, my opponent already had a small faerie army at that point, and I didn't draw into my Cloudthreshers to reset the board. I eventually got my first loss of the day.
Game standing: 9-4
Match standing: 4-1
Round 6: vs. Kithkins (lost)

In game 1, my opponent and I were racing. It came to a point when I knew I was going to win if only he had no Thistledown Liege in hand. I decided to go for it, and tapped out to attack. He took the damage and fell down to 6. I was at 9 life at that point. When it was his turn to attack, guess what, one of his two cards in hand was the Liege. GG.
In game 2, my luck had really ran out. I mulliganed to 5, though I had a decent enough hand to put him down to 9 life. However, Ajani Goldmane was the difference, as consecutive +1/+1 counters and vigilance on his Knight of Meadowgrains and Order of Whiteclay did me in. He eventually won at 35 life.
Game standing: 9-6
Match standing: 4-2
Round 7: vs. Quick N' Toast (lost)

After 6 rounds, my opponent was at 4-1-1 and at 7th place, while I was at 4-2 and at 8th place (having the best tie breaks among everyone with 12 points). Pre-release passes were going to be distributed to the top 7 finishers. The top 6 players above us had all ID'ed so the 7th PR pass was going to be given to one of us. I agreed to concede to my opponent -- besides, I had already paid for my PR with a different TO. Eastwood is just too far away. ;-)
Final game standing: 9-8
Final match standing: 4-3
1 comment:
lets see what happens.
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