// Lands
8 [UNH] Plains
9 [UNH] Mountain
// Creatures
1 [SHM] Bloodmark Mentor
1 [SHM] Safehold Elite
1 [SHM] Safehold Sentry
1 [EVE] Heartlash Cinder
1 [SHM] Boggart Arsonists
1 [EVE] Hoof Skulkin
1 [SHM] Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers
1 [EVE] Ballynock Trapper
1 [EVE] Hotheaded Giant
1 [EVE] Belligerent Hatchling
1 [SHM] Barrenton Cragtreads
1 [SHM] Watchwing Scarecrow
1 [SHM] Scuzzback Marauders
1 [SHM] Cultbrand Cinder
1 [SHM] Morselhoarder
1 [SHM] Twilight Shepherd
// Spells
1 [SHM] Trip Noose
2 [EVE] Unmake
1 [SHM] Scar
1 [EVE] Flame Jab
1 [SHM] Flame Javelin
1 [EVE] Rekindled Flame
It has really good removal -- Rekindled Flame, Scar, Flame Javelin, Flame Jab, Trip Noose, and 2 Unmakes. And it also has some bombs in the form of Twilight Shepherd (which unfortunately only came out once the whole tournament), and Belligerent Hatchling (which unfortunately always died on the turn I play it). I made a mistake though in the land count, and should have put in at least 18. The mana curve was high, and I needed the extra lands to retrace Flame Jab.
I drew my first two rounds, before eventually going 1-3 on my final 4 rounds, to end up at a final standing of 1-3-2 -- very disappointing, considering I had a potentially very good deck. Oh well, learning point.
At least, it was still worth the 1,000 PhP entrance fee because in addition to the learning experience, we got a foil Crystalline Sliver and the August FNM card (Desert) for free, just by attending the tourney. :)
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