Jovs and I both went 4-0, him with an Esper deck, and me with an aggresive Bant deck containing many evasive flyers.

// Lands
1 [CNF] Exotic Orchard
1 [CNF] Rupture Spire
1 [ALA] Bant Panorama
1 [ALA] Jungle Shrine
5 [ALA] Island
5 [ALA] Plains
3 [ALA] Forest
// Creatures
1 [ALA] Sigiled Paladin
1 [ALA] Deft Duelist
1 [ALA] Steward of Valeron
1 [ALA] Bant Battlemage
1 [CNF] Gluttonous Slime
1 [CNF] Matca Rioters
2 [CNF] Aven Trailblazer
1 [ALA] Gustrider Exuberant
1 [ALA] Kathari Screecher
2 [CNF] Parasitic Strix
1 [CNF] Giltspire Avenger
4cc or more:
2 [CNF] Esper Cormorants
1 [ALA] Sharding Sphinx
1 [ALA] Spearbreaker Behemoth
// Spells
1 [CNF] Path to Exile
1 [ALA] Oblivion Ring
1 [CNF] Constricting Tendrils
1 [CNF] Might of Alara
1 [ALA] Spell Snip
1 [CNF] Traumatic Visions
I can't remember my opponent's exact decks, but here are some memorable and fun moments:
1. Going down to 1 life but still winning the game, thanks to the token producing ability of Sharding Sphinx.
2. My opponent beating me in game 1 via a finishing blow Might of Alara. Then on the second game, I did the same to him, pumping my unblocked creature ftw. :)
3. My opponent playing a post-blockers "Agony Warp", only to see that it was actually a Countersquall. LOL.
4. My MVP for the whole tournament, believe it or not, is Esper Cormorants. It's amazing how one 3/3 flyer for 4 mana can win you so many games. Especially if you already have a 2/2 flyer on turn 2. Or even better, if you can follow it up with another 3/3 flyer on turn 5. :)
5. Winning my last game via a topdecked Spearbreaker Behemoth. :)
Here are some notable cards that we got from our sealed deck pools and prize packs:
1.3 Exotic Orchards
2. Ancient Ziggurat
3. 2 Giltspire Avengers
4. 2 Path to Exiles (need just 2 more...)
5. Ethersworn Adjudicator
6. Nyxathid
7. Volcanic Fallout
8. Thornling
And of course, there's the t-shirt. :)

(picture courtesy of Ongkeco's Hobby Shop)
Like I said, best prerelease ever. :)
3 na exotic orchards natin. :D
got 1 sa deck tapos isa pa sa pack.
Ayos! Updated blog post. :)
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