// Lands
25 [ALA] Mountain
// Creatures
4 [EVE] Figure of Destiny
4 [10E] Mogg Fanatic
3 [SHM] Boggart Ram-Gang
4 [SHM] Demigod of Revenge
// Spells
4 [MOR] Shard Volley
4 [10E] Incinerate
4 [LRW] Lash Out
4 [EVE] Puncture Blast
4 [SHM] Flame Javelin
// Sideboard
SB: 4 [SHM] Fulminator Mage
SB: 3 [CFX] Volcanic Fallout
SB: 3 [SHM] Firespout
SB: 2 [SHM] Guttural Response
SB: 3 [SHM] Smash to Smithereens
I know what you're thinking: BURN!!! :) Yeah.
Round 1: vs. RW Reveillark (lost)

My first round opponent is one of those players who take all types of tournaments (including FNMs) very seriously. Despite my attempts to lighten up the mood in our games, he was still very, um, competitive. In fact he called judge on two separate occasions during our match -- one when his Reveillark was behind a Windbrisk Heights (if he could evoke it -- of course he cannot), and second on a stack scenario (I could no longer remember what it was). All I can say is that his deck was superior to mine, but my rules knowledge is superior to his. ;-) Decks (and not rules) win in tournaments though, so he won the match. LOL.
Game standing: 1-2
Match standing: 0-1
Round 2: vs. Mono B Discarder (won)

A crazy scenario happened in this match, in game 1 to be exact. I was hot off the gates in the beginning and put him all the way down to 2 life. He then popped up an Immortal Coil, with my hand empty and nothing else on the board. I was in top deck mode, drawing nothing but lands, while he was eventually able to put 2 Nyxathids on the board -- he won that game. Haha. In games 2 and 3 though, I was ready with Smash to Smithereens, and I was able to pop his Immortal Coils and Scepter of Fugues ftw.
Game standing: 3-3
Match standing: 1-1
Round 3: vs. WGr Lands (lost)

My opponent was playing this unique deck featuring Knight of the Reliquary, Crucible of Worlds, and a lot of lands (I think he mentioned having 27 lands in his deck). In game 1, I was stupid enough to believe that he drew 3 consecutive Mutavaults (with me killing each one every time). After the third land drop though, I eventually saw the Crucible of Worlds in play. Damn! How stupid can I be? It was the same Mutavault coming back to haunt me! He beat me with Warhammer'd Mutavaults that game. In game 2, I was ready with his artifacts with Smash again, and easily won the game. In game 3, I was beat by a combination of Naya Charms, Path to Exiles, and eventually, a Knight of the Reliquary after a Scapeshift ftw.
Game standing: 4-5
Match standing: 1-2
Round 4: vs. WW Kithkin (lost)

I was still hoping for a .500 finish at this point, but my deck gave up on me as I drew crap on both games, to easily lose to my opponent's Kithkin horde.
Final game standing: 4-7
Final match standing: 1-3
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