Round 1: vs. UW Merfolk (lost)

Things didn't start off well, as I got stuck at 3 lands and I easily lost game 1. In the second game, I ran out of removal and a single Wake Thrasher beat me to a pulp very quickly.
Game standing: 0-2
Match standing: 0-1
Round 2: vs. Blightning Aggro (lost)

Disappointed at my first round (it was supposed to be a good matchup for me) I vowed to do better in my second round. Alas, it was not to be, as I once again got beat 0-2 by a goblin-build Blightning deck. Voracious Dragon combined with Goblin Assault did me in on the second game.
Game standing: 0-4
Match standing: 0-2
Round 3: vs. Esper Control (lost)

I had the man-land god draw in the first game, as I very quickly beat my opponent with a Treetop Village and a pair of Mutavaults. In the second game, a pair of Magister Sphinx -- the first one putting my opponent at 10 life (from 2 life), and the second one putting me at 10 life (from 24 life) -- sealed the deal for my opponent. In game 3, I made a stupid mistake that cost me the round. I was at 18 life, and my opponent at 8 life, but my opponent had board advantage because he had 7 power worth of creatures on the board (forgot what). Time was then called while it was his turn. In my turn (turn 1), I did something irrelevant. In his turn (turn 2), he swinged for 7, putting me at 11. Then on my turn (turn 3), I drew zip again, and after a few minutes of pondering, and knowing that I had no way of winning it, I scooped up my cards. Duh! It was then that everyone watching reminded me that my opponent didn't have enough damage to kill me on the 4th turn, which was his last. Stupid stupid mistake. It was supposed to end in a draw, but I "conceded".
Game standing: 1-6
Match standing: 0-3
Round 4: vs. BW Discarder (won)

After the last round's stupidity error, I had decided to drop from the tourney. However, the TO didn't register my drop, so I got paired anyway with someone else with a 0-3 record. Not wanting to cause further confusion, I decided to play anyway. Good thing I did, as I at least finally got my share of wins, by beating my opponent easily in two games. All I remember is that I had Profanes for each of his Nyxathids, and I beat him with faerie tokens and manlands.
Final game standing: 3-6
Final match standing: 1-3
Disappointing performances are starting to pile up again... :(
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