// Lands
4 [10E] Sulfurous Springs
4 [FUT] Graven Cairns
4 [LRW] Auntie's Hovel
2 [SHM] Reflecting Pool
1 [10E] Ghitu Encampment
8 [ALA] Mountain
// Creatures
4 [EVE] Figure of Destiny
4 [10E] Mogg Fanatic
4 [CFX] Hellspark Elemental
4 [CFX] Goblin Outlander
3 [SHM] Boggart Ram-Gang
4 [CFX] Shambling Remains
// Spells
4 [10E] Incinerate
4 [SHM] Flame Javelin
3 [CFX] Volcanic Fallout
3 [ALA] Magma Spray
// Sideboard
SB: 4 [ALA] Blightning
SB: 4 [MOR] Bitterblossom
SB: 4 [ALA] Infest
SB: 3 [LRW] Shriekmaw
Round 1: vs. Jund Ramp (lost)

I liked my odds on my first round matchup, as I was up against a slow deck, and I had decent SBs for his particular deck (Infest for tokens, Blightning for disruption, and Bitterblossom as chump blocker generator). I took him to 5 life quickly on both games, and on both games I ran out of gas and was at topdeck mode at that point. In game 1, he cast Violent Ultimatum twice on me to get back on the game and win it. In game 2, he cast Hellkite Overlord ftw.
Game standing: 0-2
Match standing: 0-1
Round 2: vs. UBR Reanimator (won)

I was surprised when my opponent's first spell on the game was a Merfolk Looter. Oh no. I didn't expect anyone to still use this type of deck, so I had no graveyard hate in my SB. I had to finish the game quickly. In game 1, I was still safely at 18 life, but lost to a single spell -- Torrent of Souls putting back Inkwell Leviathan to play. That, along with Marsh Flitter and buddies was enough for a single lethal alpha strike.
I lost on the first 3 games of the night, but was still hopeful that things would turn the other way and I would still be able to finish decently for the night. Good thing they did. :)
In games 2 and 3, my deck finally did what it was supposed to do, and beat my opponent very quickly, before any graveyard shenanigans. In fact, I was the one with GY spells, as I beat him with my unearth creatures.
Game standing: 2-3
Match standing: 1-1
Round 3: vs. 5-Color Control (won)

Both games played out very similarly on this one. I would play some creatures, he would Wrath, I would play some more creatures, he would Wrath, then I would finish him with burn. On the second game, it was even a Mogg Fanatic, with him at 1 life, with Cryptic Command mana available, but no Cryptic Command spell. :)
Game standing: 4-3
Match standing: 2-1
Round 4: vs. 5-Color Control (won)

Similar QnT deck, similar results. I got a Hellspark draw in the first game, as all 4 copies came out and did double duty. Unearth ftw! In game 2, Blightning beatdown became Bitterblossom beatdown, as I was able to play the powerful enchantment in turn two. He had no chance against the incremental damage that the faerie tokens were making. I think the game ended with me having 6 or 7 tokens in play.
Game standing: 6-3
Match standing: 3-1
There were only two players with better records, but, despite being tied with third place, I had the worst tiebreaks (having lost early in the rounds), so I ended up finishing 6th place overall, and won a lone Shadowmoor booster pack, containing this crappy enchantment:

Better than nothing.
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