I went 2-2 with a BG Wither-Persist deck featuring Blowfly Infestation. It's really funny how my current deck (BG Elves) and the podcast that I regularly listen to (
Monday Night Magic) both influenced me into making this deck. Anyway, here was my decklist:

// Lands
10 [SHM] Swamp
7 [SHM] Forest
// Creatures
1 [EVE] Odious Trow
1 [EVE] Woodlurker Mimic
1 [EVE] Stalker Hag
1 [SHM] Sickle Ripper
1 [SHM] Dusk Urchins
2 [SHM] Gravelgill Duo
1 [EVE] Smoldering Butcher
1 [SHM] Sootwalkers
1 [SHM] Tattermunge Duo
1 [SHM] Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers
1 [EVE] Wickerbough Elder
1 [SHM] Heartmender
1 [SHM] Foxfire Oak
1 [SHM] Morselhoarder
1 [SHM] Loamdragger Giant
// Spells
1 [EVE] Gift of the Deity
1 [SHM] Torture
1 [SHM] Rite of Consumption
1 [SHM] Fists of the Demigod
1 [SHM] Blowfly Infestation
1 [EVE] Unmake
1 [SHM] Shield of the Oversoul
Unfortunately, I can no longer remember too many details from each of my matches (despite the tourney being just a couple of hours ago), so I won't be able to post my usual tourney report. I just remembered a couple of key moments:

1. In round 1, my opponent at one point had two Recumbent Bliss in play on two of my creatures. It sucks to have 2 of your creatures getting Pacified, and it sucked even more that he was gaining 2 life in each of his upkeeps. Good thing I still won that game. :)

2. In round 2, my opponent cast a second turn Talara's Bane - with a Foxfire Oak in my hand. Haha! Discard my fattie, and he gained 7 life. :)

3. In round 3, I was able to cast a 2nd turn Woodlurker Mimic, to a 3rd turn Stalker Hag (I was up against a BGr deck, so swampwalk/forestwalk!), then swing for 4. :) Too bad he cast a Puncture Bolt 1 turn later. :(

4. In round 4, I had 2 Gravelgill Duos in play, and I cast black spell after black spell, to "fear my way" into victory. :)
My lone Blowfly Infestation actually came into play only once in the entire tourney. And I found out the hard way, that the card really does suck. Haha. At one time, I had like 2 wither guys attacking, and my opponent blocked one of them -- dying in the process. Blowfly triggers, and with no other creatures in play other than mine, I had to put a -1/-1 counter on my Sickle Ripper. Haha. I think I sided out the card on the next game.
Anyway, prereleases are still a bit on the more casual side of tourneys, so overall, I still had fun despite the "a little bit disappointing" finish. Besides, getting a total of 8 packs, for just 1,000 PhP, that's not bad at all. :)